Eugenio Barba: Quemar la casa. Orígenes de un director.
In Spanish. Editorial Artezblai, Spain, 2010. 335 pages. In Spanish. ISBN 978-84-937830-4-4
Eugenio Barba (1936, Italia), fundó el Odin Teatret en 1964 en Oslo, Noruega. Dos años más tarde trasladó el teatro a Holstebro,Dinamarca.Ha puesto 76 espectácu-los en escena junto al Odin Teatret y el ensamble Theatrum Mundi, y algunos de ellos han demandado más de dos años de ensayos. En 1979 Barba fundó la International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA), que es un centro itinerante de estudios comparativos acerca de los principios de las técnicas del actor,y ha dado el nombre de Antropología Teatral a este campo de estudio. ……
Eugenio Barba: On Directing and Dramaturgy. Burning the House.
‘A theatre which is able to speak to each spectator in a different and penetrating language is not a fantastic idea, nor a utopia. This is the theatre for which many of us, directors and leaders of groups, trained for a long time.‘ Eugenio Barba
On Directing and Dramaturgy is Eugenio Barba’s unprecedented account of his own life and work. This is a major retrospective of Barba’s working methods, his practical techniques, and the life experiences which fed directly into his theatre-making.
An inspirational resource, On Directing and Dramaturgy is a dramaturgy of dramaturgies, and a professional autobiography from one of the most significant and influential directors and theorists working today. It provides unique insights into a philosophy and practice of directing for the beginning student, the experienced practitioner, and everyone in between.